
Charter Adds Video Subs in Q4, Year

February 5, 2016

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Originally Appeared in Multichannel News
By Mike Farrell
February 4, 2016

Charter Communications added 33,000 basic video subscribers in the fourth quarter and ended 2015 with 11,000 more video customers than it started with, the first time that has happened in more than a decade.

Charter has consistently improved its video subscriber performance in the past several quarters and the fourth quarter gain compares to a loss of 3,000 video customers in the prior year. With Charter’s results, the top three publicly traded cable operators all have posted video customer gains in the fourth quarter: Time Warner Cable added 54,000 and Comcast announced yesterday it gained 89,000 video customers. So far only Charter and TWC have reported video-subscriber gains for the full year.

Read the full article here.