Smart Cities

Partnering with Communities Today to Build the Smart Cities of Tomorrow

October 30, 2018

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Today, we hosted our latest Think Forward event to discuss building the smart cities of tomorrow. It featured FCC Commissioner Mike O’Rielly and Columbia, South Carolina Mayor and president of the US Conference of Mayors Steve Benjamin, along with an expert panel including:

  • Brent Skorup, Senior Research Fellow, Mercatus Center
  • Jordan Crenshaw, Assistant Policy Counsel, C_TEC, U.S. Chamber of Commerce
  • Maurita Coley, President and CEO, MMTC
  • Jean Rice, Senior Broadband Program Specialist, NTIA BroadbandUSA program

The panel was moderated by Bill Maguire, Founder of Connected Communities.

Watch the full event below, and learn more about our work to build smart cities by visiting