Diversity & Inclusion

Teaming Up with Wisconsin’s Leadership to Celebrate LULAC

July 16, 2019

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Charter was proud to team up with Wisconsin Governor Tony Evers, Milwaukee Mayor Tom Barrett, County Executive Chris Abele, and Chief of Police Alfonso Morales to welcome the League of United Latin American Citizens (LULAC) to Milwaukee, Wisconsin and celebrate its 90th Annual LULAC National Convention and Exposition. At the “Wisconsin Celebration” event supporting local LULAC programs, Charter Regional Vice President Gary Underwood introduced keynote speaker Governor Evers.

Wisconsin Governor Evers

With approximately 132,000 members throughout the United States and Puerto Rico, LULAC is the largest and oldest Latino organization in the United States. Through its more than 1,000 locally based councils and community programs, LULAC advances the economic condition, educational attainment, housing, health and civil rights of Latinos in the U.S. Charter is proud to serve many of the same communities and to partner with LULAC to invest in and strengthen these communities through collaborative efforts geared towards improving broadband access and digital education opportunities.

Charter’s core business objective is to deliver superior products and services that are relevant to our customers and help enhance their daily lives. Our commitment to the Latino community is emblematic of the approach we take with customers across our company. We strive to understand their unique needs, offer superior products and services, and create lasting impact in their communities.

For example, we’ve developed high value packages at competitive prices that are of interest to households with varying degrees of Spanish and English language proficiency. Charter carries over 100 international networks in more than 15 languages, including a robust Spanish-language programming package with more than 75 channels covering news, live sports and entertainment. Charter is also committed to serving the needs of our Latino customers in the language they prefer. We are very proud to shortly celebrate the second anniversary of a state-of-the art, fully bilingual call center in McAllen, Texas, which now proudly employs over 600 residents from that area.

One of the unique ways we serve communities is through our growing investment in Spectrum News Channels. We now have 25 channels in 8 states, including Spectrum News 1 Wisconsin with a hub in Milwaukee. We recognize that local news is vital to well-informed, engaged communities and our news channels are dedicated to covering the issues impacting the lives of our customers. That’s why our news team was out in force during LULAC’s national convention covering issues that were on top of convention attendees’ minds and carrying live statewide coverage of LULAC’s Presidential Town Hall attended by Democratic Presidential candidates Senators Warren and Sanders, former U.S. Representative Beto O’Rourke, and former HUD Secretary Julian Castro.

Taurean and Warren

LULAC chose the fitting theme “90 Years of Service” for this year’s annual gathering. Charter is proud of our partnership with LULAC to help do our part to strengthen the communities we serve, and look forward to our continued work with leaders like Governor Evers to improve the lives of our customers in Wisconsin.