Veterans and Military Families

Join an Important Conversation: Transitioning 21st Century Warriors Into the 21st Century Workforce

November 7, 2017

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Tomorrow morning, we’re hosting an important conversation at our Washington, D.C. office about helping the men and women who served in our armed forces smoothly transition back into civilian life after completing their military service. The event, titled “Transitioning 21st Century Warriors Into the 21st Century Workforce” will examine how the private sector, the legislative and executive branches of government, and non-profit organizations can join together to increase employment opportunities for veterans. We look forward to remarks by Senator Richard Blumenthal (D-CT) and Representatives Richard Hudson (R-NC) and Mark Takano (D-CA), leaders on veterans’ issues in the U.S. Congress.

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Also, a panel of experts will discuss the challenges and opportunities facing veterans seeking employment and identify initiatives that ensure they receive the support and opportunities to fulfill the American dream that they deserve.

veteran family

Charter has made hiring more veterans a priority. The result of proactive recruitment and expanded outreach, Charter employs nearly 12,000 veterans, about 13 percent of our workforce. This year alone, we’ve hired approximately 4,000 veterans and we are committed to increasing our overall veteran hiring by 5% over the next three years as part of our commitment to growing our highly-skilled, diverse and insourced workforce.

We’re doing this through a variety of partnerships that support our efforts to recruit, train and retain veterans across our footprint. Earlier this year, we announced plans to expand our Spectrum Broadband Apprenticeship Program, an initiative that helps train veterans leaving service to become broadband technicians. Additionally, Charter is participating in a new Career Resource Center located at Fort Bragg, North Carolina.  We will leverage this partnership to recruit and train qualified military service members preparing to transition back to civilian life.  The key is to begin this process before these qualified men and women complete their service – then hire them to build successful post-military careers.

But there is more that Charter, and other companies like us, can do – which is why we’re convening tomorrow’s discussion.

We hope you will join the conversation.

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Senator Richard Blumenthal (D-CT)
U.S. Senate Committee on Veterans’ Affairs

Representative Richard Hudson (R-NC)
U.S. House of Representatives Committee on Energy and Commerce

Representative Mark Takano (D-CA)
Vice Ranking Member on U.S House of Representatives Committee on Veterans’ Affairs

Panel Discussion

Jennifer Tracy
Senior Director, Talent Acquisition and Diversity
Charter Communications

Mark Toal
Manager of National Veterans’ Employment Outreach
US DOL-Veteran Employment Training Service

Col. Mike M. Cannon
Director of Corporate and Military Outreach
Columbia Southern Education Group

Eddy Mentzer
Associate Director of Family Readiness and Well-Being
U.S. Department of Defense’s Military Spouse Employment Partnership

David Pierce
VP of Public Affairs and Member of Mission Media Advisory Council