Veterans and Military Families

Honoring Our Veterans with Take A Veteran To School Day

November 26, 2018

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Charter is dedicated to supporting veterans and their families, both as valuable members of our workforce, and honored members of the communities we serve. Throughout the month of November, we are partnering with HISTORY®’s national Take A Veteran to School Day initiative which links veterans of all ages with young people in our schools and communities. Working with community organizations like veterans’ councils, schools, and elected officials, the events bring veterans to schools to meet with students to give them a better understanding of what military service is like, how they and their families adjust to life in active duty, and what it is like to transition back into civilian life.

This year, Charter is sponsoring over 30 Take A Veteran to School Day events across our 41-state footprint to educate and inspire students, and bring military service to life.  Here are several highlights from these events across the country:

At Flagler Palm Coast High School in Florida, State Representative Paul Renner shared his military experience and what it has meant to him to be a veteran with more than 50 Flagler JROTC cadets.

We were proud to join New York State Senator Rob Ortt, a member of the U.S. Army National Guard, to present to North Tonawanda High School. Senator Ortt spoke with students about his military service in Afghanistan, and inspired the students with his views of them as the next generation of leaders.

We are proud to do our part to thank the brave men and women who have defended our country and help them connect with their communities.